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Member since 2006-02-03
Has written 171 comments

Has received 39 applauds


I am a complete fanatic of epics, legends and classics. Stories and poems that you read and yet still have a longing deep down....wondering, asking, wanting to know more, to make a change.
Poetry gives me that chance. To live what is in my dreams, to say what is in my heart, to share with other people despite who they are and where they come from......such is poetry to me. A global platform where each of us can share our hearts:)


39 years old from Kenya

MY TEXTS, Archive 45 Texts

The beauty of the soul. (2) - 2006-03-01
The Warrior of Romance, II (4) - 2006-02-15
Cry, my beloved country! (5) - 2006-02-14
Titleless (5) - 2006-02-04
Speechless (8) - 2006-02-03

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