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Member since 2014-12-30
Has written 1712 comments

Has received 2780 applauds



one trick pony is lynn

aka jim



life is a very slow disappearing act

one trick pony

MY TEXTS, Archive 853 Texts

songbird (4) - 2023-11-21
a second is not a day, my love (3) - 2023-11-19
tanka (4) - 2023-11-16
samuel comes home (4) - 2023-11-15
tuning the guitar, some thoughts (2) - 2023-11-13
at the park, smoking (2) - 2023-11-13
unbidden (3) - 2023-11-13
c dakota b (2) - 2023-11-05
marketa steps out of the bath (1) - 2023-11-05
i did not walk this afternoon (5) - 2023-10-31
breaks broken (2) - 2023-10-26
trap snap (2) - 2023-10-26
autumn leaves (4) - 2023-10-21
song - 2023-10-19
i still cannot - 2023-10-19
value (3) - 2023-10-19
j at 14, she steps out of the bath (2) - 2023-10-18
late afternoon (1) - 2023-10-15
For the Warmth (2) - 2023-10-08
night sounds, sight (2) - 2023-10-01

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