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i write what is forced from me.
i write what is forced from me.
anguisette38 years old from USA |
nemesis with silver eyes (14) - 2008-10-20
she was never a queen (8) - 2008-09-28
clair de lune (12) - 2006-09-27
MY TEXTS, Archive 46 Texts
inside the snow globe (1) - 2010-04-21
harpy (2) - 2010-04-15
little red riding hood - 2010-03-26
short noose - 2010-03-14
a crescent in mourning (1) - 2010-03-14
ophelia re-possessed - 2010-02-19
empty/crystalline (2) - 2009-03-31
blackbird (with a_r_glasgow) (2) - 2009-01-21
favourite things (2) - 2008-12-23
nemesis with silver eyes (14) - 2008-10-20
hushed sonnet to the prostitute (I) (6) - 2008-10-17
emptying the sea (3) - 2008-10-16
there are no modern charms (4) - 2008-10-15
living with dead-faced masculinity (1) - 2008-10-15
10/11/1986 (3) - 2008-10-11
the awkward fledgling (3) - 2008-10-11
i love this (this hopeless delirium) (3) - 2008-10-01
the early morning, barely awake (3) - 2008-09-30
she was never a queen (8) - 2008-09-28
when your father disappears (2) - 2008-09-28
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