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Member since 2009-02-07
Has written 41 comments

Has received 50 applauds


I'm the happy pendant hanging from your neck
I'm the greedy creeper eating at your flesh
I'm your enemy's greatest flaw
I'm your lucky mascot's claw

I'm tied down to you
In every way I can think of
I'm yours
Even when I want to unbelong

I never was as pretty as you
Just the happy pendent that adorns your neck

I never was as rich as you
Just the greedy creeper eating at your flesh

What limb am I to your team?
I've become your enemy's flaw, your mascot's claw.

And how I cling on with those talons
Digging deep into your comfort blankets
Shredding them to pieces.

I'm Parnika, Inspired and Puddled too :) Check out my poetic alteregos. Poetbay has been a friend since school. Love you guys. COMMENT!!

Writing friends

Zoey Jane

37 years old from India


BOW DOWN TO ME (5) - 2011-01-02
Superlative (8) - 2010-12-14
I told u so! (3) - 2010-06-15
Dance (3) - 2010-03-20
Be Alive, now or never (3) - 2010-02-27
All Things Nice (7) - 2010-01-08

MY TEXTS, Archive 45 Texts

BOW DOWN TO ME (5) - 2011-01-02
Knees Unbent - 2011-01-02
My Christmas (1) - 2011-01-02
For a Friend (2) - 2011-01-02
Ragpicker's Rant (2) - 2011-01-02
Wait. (1) - 2011-01-02
Random Promises - 2011-01-02
Saving You - 2011-01-02
3 old friends - 2010-12-30
Superlative (8) - 2010-12-14
Forbidden (2) - 2010-11-27
Hanging by a Moment (1) - 2010-11-08
Wilder Horses - 2010-07-23
Why should I? - 2010-06-17
How often do you miss her? - 2010-06-17
I told u so! (3) - 2010-06-15
Heartsink (1) - 2010-05-03
Wild Horses (1) - 2010-04-30
In Lust (1) - 2010-04-14
Dance (3) - 2010-03-20

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""One good thing about music, when it hits-you feel no pain"- Bob Marley"