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Member since 2006-02-21
Has written 24 comments

Has received 2 applauds


Have you ever seen a girl walking down the street with her friends. The girl who's laughing, and having the time of her life. That girl who isn't beautiful, nor is she anything special, but for some reason you look back, to see her again. You may be jealous, or hate her, maybe your indifferent, but you still look back. Well i'm that girl, and i love my life, but sometimes. . . no all the time i feel trapped, so remember that.


36 years old from

MY TEXTS, Archive 27 Texts

My Sonnet 116 (2) - 2010-11-17
I Can' do that - 2010-07-19
The real me - 2007-02-13
Starlight Starbright (2) - 2007-01-19
Waiting - 2006-12-19
RUN (3) - 2006-08-01
Philosophy of love (3) - 2006-06-28
Let me whisper in your ear (6) - 2006-06-18
Little Secrets (4) - 2006-06-16
Questions without answers (2) - 2006-06-16
why i'll never know (6) - 2006-06-11
Thinking (4) - 2006-05-15
Half of me (1) - 2006-05-03
His smile (2) - 2006-04-20
I can't read you (3) - 2006-04-20
Words of Advice (2) - 2006-04-06
A Girl Who has Nothing (1) - 2006-04-06
How I long to... (1) - 2006-04-03
I never thought (2) - 2006-04-03
My friend (1) - 2006-03-29

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"" never frown, because you never know who maybe falling in love with your smile""