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1. What a Poetry Profile Is?
2. The Trails lead back Home
3. On Each Journey
4. Almost at the Door
5. Carve my Own Path
6. Window into the Rain
7. Trust is the Broken Mirror
8. Traversing This Mountain
9. Together and Yet Apart
10. Endurance is Power
11. Flowers Need Sunlight Too
12. When Mistakes Make you Stronger
13. Stars in My Sky
14. Pure Like Flowing Water
15. Take the Plunge
16. So I'll Hold You Tight
17. Keep Moving On
18. Forced Entry
19. With the Hands of Time
20. Inquisitively Inclined

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An Out of Body Experience
Poetry by

This is a compilation of all of the Poetry Profiles I've been working on. These poem were written about other people and basically their life story as I would see it. It will be continually updated so check back for more. Enjoy this walk in someone else's shoes.

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In Deep Thought
The Power of Nature
Love: The Endless Journey