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1. Our holiday at the sea side day one by Ann Wood
2. Our holiday at the sea side day two by Ann Wood
3. Our holiday at the sea side day three by Ann Wood
4. Our holiday at the sea side day four by Ann Wood
5. Our holiday at the sea side day five by Ann Wood
6. Our holiday at the sea side day six by Ann Wood
7. Our holiday at the sea side day seven by Ann Wood
8. Our holiday at the sea side day eight by Ann Wood
9. Our holiday at the sea side day nine by Ann Wood
10. Our holiday at the sea side day ten by Ann Wood
11. Our holiday at the sea side day eleven by Ann Wood
12. Our holiday at the sea side day twelve by Ann Wood
13. Our holiday at the sea side day Thirteen by Ann Wood
14. Our holiday at the sea side day Fourteen by Ann Wood
15. Our holiday at the sea side day Fifteen by Ann Wood
Our holiday at the sea side
Poetry by
Ann Wood

by Ann Wood It is a story about a family holiday at the sea side. It is not real story I make it up.

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