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21. Longing by the Mountain Stream
22. Woman Burning Bright!
23. I Often Wonder...
24. Sometimes I feel I am the Rain
25. The Pacific Bay
26. The Hundred Years of Solitude
27. Enchantment of the first kiss (Valentine Special)
28. A Bird's Saga
29. Is it a Nightmare; Or Is it True?

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Heart and Soul by Zoya Zaidi
Poetry by
Zoya Zaidi

When the heart sings the soul dances to its tune, when the sorrow is infinite, the soul produces the most melodious of songs. This book contains agony and ecstasy of my heart and soul. Prelude: Poems of passion and compassion, Poems of anguish of my heart, My joy at the beauty of the World, My awe at the wonder of the Nature, The agony of Betrayal and Ecstasy of a loving heart; Come and peep into my heart and soul, Come and live into my world- in these yellow pages, writ with the blood of my heart… Dr. Zoya Zaidi

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