3rd installment to my summer series (Sydney)

Almost at the Door

For years I've been walking slowly

To find an out, a door for this key

Looking for acceptance in so many ways

A burning cause for the rest of my days

Beauty is an image that lies deep inside

Have I been one to go along for the ride

Still I long for an image that satisfies me

Is my reflection my only guarantee

More than myself I seek to do things right

I strive for greatness in the darkness of night

I want an outcome that reflects only me

Yet I trip over failure and fall in the sea

Again and again I can't seem to win

Tornadoes surround me; I'm caught in its spin

Just when the skies above clear for the day

Here is my dark side to take it away

My friends and family are my foundation

I'm in constant shock at my frustration

Insecurities are only a small part of my worry

When it seems like time in such a hurry

When beauty is just an outside factor

You're torn between it and you're inside fury

One day I'll find peace for myself once more

Till then I have the key, all I want is the door

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 1324 times
Written on 2007-06-27 at 07:09

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Kathy Lockhart
these are wonderful. You will find door Aaron. Just keep searching. There is a Lighthouse whose light shines just for you lighting your path. : )


An Out of Body Experience
by Coolaaron88