This is my 4th installment of my summer series. (Stephanie)

Carve my Own Path

I’m just like the river that ebbs and flows
With the turns that life throws at me
Each sink in the water is reality
In the end my final place is the sea
This journey has had its painful regrets
Like the times I've gone astray
It’s taken my strength deep inside
To finish each enduring day
I've taken the scenic route sometimes
And have traveled over valleys deep
I find myself contained in such a lake
When at last I go to sleep
With time I find that my journey
Is in fact a small part of my life
Knowing when the clouds gather round
Rapids bring up blockades and strife
With the sun up above I’m an enduring river
With the moon switching places I know
Know no weather can hinder my progress
Let it be rain, wind, haze, or snow
I carve my own path by being a force
I keep my mind clear to stay on the course
No thing can stop my water flowing deep
I pray for the best when at last I sleep

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 1313 times
Written on 2007-07-04 at 07:36

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Lea Foverskov
yes indeed, what a wonderful tribute to what sounds like an amazing lady!

Kathy Lockhart
This is a beautiful analogical poem Aaron. It has a strength and yet a softness about it. I hope these young ladies are enjoying the poetry you are creating for them.


An Out of Body Experience
by Coolaaron88