5th installment of my series (Kayla)

Window into the Rain

Its days like this that make me think
My life was such a mess
Wondering about that horrid place
With the pain, rage, and stress
Each day would pass and thunderstorms
Were second home to me
To know that I would soon go back
Would be the end of me
The warmth the house allowed me with
Did not make up for lost care
The tension I felt within my soul
Was a burden I had to bear
I’d look out at the cloudy skies
Wishing for peace of mind
Yet each day passing came no luck
So failures what I’d find
Months had passed and rain would fall
This I longed to feel
To know the outside held more love
Became just more and more real
One day soon I’d leave this place
For solitude for a change
And know that a house could be a home
This notion was very strange
Now I know each day that goes
Is no longer a big deal
I have support from my family
And compassion at every meal
A warm bed that gives me haven
When my days have been a mess
This change of pace within my life
Has been such a big success
So as I lay me down to sleep
I keep in mind one thing
That place I used to call home
I will never forget its sting

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 1171 times
Written on 2007-07-08 at 06:34

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An Out of Body Experience
by Coolaaron88