The 9th installment of my series (Jessica)

Endurance is Power

Living in a winter wonder land
Has been such fun for me
Viewing frozen lands and plains
Dreaming of pure iced seas
With the glamour comes the trial
Like nights when snowstorms
Would hit my heart dead center
Only courage to keep me warm
Ever ruthless this force of nature
Yet I keep on course for my will
I only have one choice in mind
I choose not to break that deal
Snow has had it simple pleasures
Snow has had its downfalls too
Yet I fight the snowstorms daily
For it my goals I must pursue
I know for a fact it’s made me stronger
Each storm I've had to face
Each trial wares away my fear
Until there is nothing to erase
Endurance is what it will take
To love this land of pure ice
Nothing in this world compares
The infinite beauty does suffice
Now the storms don’t faze me
Its all just part of time
I've learned that like all things
Endurance isn’t a crime
Now I’m enjoying the snow
For all of its gentle purity
So when the next snowstorm hits
I won’t give in to its plea

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 1967 times
Written on 2007-07-13 at 05:19

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Lea Foverskov
still, beautiful, you create wonderful pictures, draw wonderful drawings with your words and rhymes, and it all comes so naturally that there is no doubt you were born to do this. nevertheless i still prefer "stars in the sky" (i don't like the idea of snowstorms, they're too common here in denmark... :)

Crafted extremely well! Written with such passion that warms the snow freezing your heart. Even the font is correct in a scene like this. Very good work.


An Out of Body Experience
by Coolaaron88