20th Installment of my Series (Judy)

Maternal Toil

Mother was my only angel
More that I would ever know
Her hands made miracles happen
Brought life to plants to grow
I never really understood
All the time my mother spent
In the garden planting life
All day ‘till she was content
At the end of each long toil
She’d immerse me in embrace
My heart so full of love and joy
As the tears fell down her face
Day after day she’d tend to her garden
And some days not reap at all
Some days she’d take the smallest plant
No matter how perfect it was or small
I never really understood
Why mother gave and worked so hard
She spent her time in endless toil
In the garden I called the backyard
I enjoyed the time I spent
Watching mother tend to her yield
Never a moment spent taken for granted
She practically lived in that field
My mother instilled in me values
That would take prevalence in life
She told me to keep my head up high
And endure the pain called strife
I understand now that time in the garden
Had always been meant for me
She showed me the power of perseverance
And what’s produced, clean and healthy

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 936 times
Written on 2007-07-24 at 19:58

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Lea Foverskov
this is really great - i really enjoyed this one, possibly because i can really relate to it since my mother spends a lot of time in our wonderful garden. thank you for sharing!


An Out of Body Experience
by Coolaaron88