My 22nd installment of the Series (Mila)

My Ticket to the World

When I was young growing up
I was given a small black pass
My family said it was my ticket
They hoped it’d last and last
They said it’d give me a view
That only my mind could see
It would let me fly the local plane
For almost nothing; for free
So I took that plane to see the sights
The sounds I knew were hidden
The entire world was at my disposal
Not a door or window was forbidden
When I grew tired of flying around
Many other travels remained
So with my ticket I did something new
I decided to take the train
This travel for me did more than flying
Could have ever done for me
Traveling at ground level I could view
The wonderful sights of the sea
Nature I felt was at its best
As it glistened with the moon flying high
There was nothing like seeing the clouds
As they floated around in the sky
My travels by train became mundane
So decided to put on a coat
And prepare for travel by sea
As my next option was by boat
All the sights on the sea were amazing
The fish and sea life all around
It was a big difference
From the life we lived on the ground
In the end I blessed my parents
For the gift I received long ago
As long as I have my “Golden Ticket”
I can always put on a show

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 966 times
Written on 2007-07-26 at 07:32

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Lea Foverskov
i've gotta stop writing these comments for your poems, i can't think of any more positive descriptive words...flow and rhythm again really great here, i really enjoy reading these!


An Out of Body Experience
by Coolaaron88