One of my favourite poems in Urdu, by the famous poet of our times, Faiz Ahmad Faiz; I have titled it 'Insomnia', though the literal translation would be 'Loneliness'.


Is there someone?
No, there is no one! O' weary heart!
Must be a wayfarer, elsewhere bound.

The night has departed
Stardust's beginning to dispel its haze
Sleepy lamps stagger, begin to pale
Roads are tired of endless wait,
Sands unfamiliar settle, footprints fade...

Quench you candles,
Put away your wine glass and carafe,
Lock up you insomniac doors....

No one!
No one,
Is going to come here anymore...

Tran creation from Urdu of
Faiz Ahmad Faiz's poem: "Tanhaee"
By : Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP). India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1702 times
Written on 2006-05-12 at 12:59

Tags Loneliness 

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Dan Cederholm
This poem are so great and it really touching me so deep I loved it and you are such a good writer Zoya!!!

rgds Dan

Dave Glavin
I understand. :)

Roads are tired of endless wait,
Sands unfamiliar settle, footprints fade.....

I like the imagery....really sets out to beautifully explain the solitude of the soul...when the heart really wants someone,only to discover there is no one!

You we're right - this piece talks to me.

The loneliness at nighttime, and how sad BUT beautiful it can be!

An awesome piece!

Thank you for sharing this masterpiece. Another bookmark for me to console my many weary nights. This is beyond lovely.Oh, thank you and thank you again!!

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
hey Zoya some more brilliance your translatory skills are good but your beauty of mind of spirit and fairness of face makes you everyones favourite on this site thank you for sharing this lovley poem encore! I say, encore! hope its not a case of
'Oh! Doctor Im in trouble' for me now lololololxxx

Wow, I can see why you love this poem so much--wonderful!

Hey you stop that,,,lovely poem by the way,,love is like a carousel it has its ups and downs but always comes around again,,,,hugs Eddy

A great poem, so rich in strong and beautiful expressions of desolation and loneliness.
Thank you for having translated it for us, oh most precious one!

Kathy Lockhart
Zoya, this brought me to tears. I felt it intensely. The pictures that where painted here are so vivid and real. It is sadness, lonliness, and emptiness exposed in such a quiet, yet powerful way. This haunts me. love, kathy btw bookmarked

nice nick on msn is 'insomniac'...very reminiscent of what im feeling right now....good write.

i like ur type of poems u write like john keats and others i mean english poets.i like that poem it is really wonderful. an i like ur idea of indianiazation of ur works i like it