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Member since 2006-05-19
Has written 5 comments


I'm half Swede, half Australian and poetry's been part of my life... I don't know how long. I thought I'd just write a bit about my name, fungi. The point of the name is the idea of something very small and uninteresting appearing above ground, while underneath there's an entire network of complexity, which is what actually matters with this particular organism. This, I think, describes the human quite well, or at least I'd like to think so. What I also think is that poetry allows us to see that network underneath the mushroom, the soul inside the human etc... I could go on... but I won't.
Thanks for visiting!


36 years old

MY TEXTS, Archive 8 Texts

Ways of living - 2007-04-02
What We See (3) - 2006-05-20
The First and Final Flight (4) - 2006-05-20
there are no words (3) - 2006-05-19
Too (2) - 2006-05-19
The Hour of the Listener (2) - 2006-05-19
Snorkling the Waters Time Has Walked By (2) - 2006-05-19
Vacuum (3) - 2006-05-19