for e

not a hint of red anywhere, not a rose in sight


spent the day in colorado springs   got stoned in estes park

slept that night in a dorm with friends at u of denver   before

setting out for wray   before the dust and evenings with wyona

and her boy   ate her cooking   breakfast lunch and dinner  

watched tv until it was time to say goodnight   dragged my

weariness across the sparse grass to my trailer   listened to the

sound of my own breathing until sleep caught up with me

worked cattle all day   git up girl   git   then the lonely nights

while the boys went to town to rip it up   or back to their wives

and kids   wyona mothered me   which is what i needed   her boy

reminding me of myself at that age   believed in everything and

nothing   went to bed on time   slept through the night   but

for the nightmares   lost my taste for the mountains that fall  

i once was lost   but now i'm found   found myself on the prairie 

Poetry by jim The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 266 times
Written on 2017-01-29 at 00:45

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Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
You welcome Jim

Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Nice poem Jim

Mysterious as Wynona and the lonely prairie but also deep and full of feelings of a hard to describe nostalgia. Enjoyable images.