Dedicated to Eva...
too late
it's too late my darling,
too late to say
that you don't want to hurt me
it's too late
because I know
that I've already touched
a part of you
it's too late to say
on second thoughts
too late for me
to change a mind
that hasn't decided
because it's too late to change
what we’ve already created
it's too late for me to forget
that my heart
was floating
in a sea of hope
that it bled
if only to tell me
that I was alive
it's too late for you to say
I'm sorry
because there's nothing
to be sorry for
it's too late
to stop our ride
on this outrageous
yet courageous
carriage of love
it’s too late my darling
but it will never be too late
for you to be free
or without
Poetry by Eli
Read 902 times
Written on 2017-04-15 at 05:02
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