an old poem

A definition of magic

Magic is what is not seen but the more real,
it's realism that is not real.
it's dreams that are too true not to be real
although they are not real,
it's materialization of the impossible,
it's the reversal of the obvious,
it's the illusion of a fake reality
which proves more real than any real reality,
it is the truest love that never is found out
but always ends up in a total mystery,
it's the exposure of established lies
and the proof that myths in fact were true,
it's the manifestation of imagination
proved and realized by magical creation,
it is all life in nature
and the miracle of man in that he proves
that all his wickedness is nothing
since there is never any evil
without producing something good.

Poetry by Laila Roth
Read 664 times
Written on 2017-05-28 at 19:47

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