Virtual and actual reality

What is the difference?
You see the virtual reality before it's real,
while real reality tends to be fraudulent –
they actually are both not to be trusted,
and the difficulty is to sort the lies out –
often, like for instance dreams,
their actual reality cannot be grasped,
like secret messages that cannot be encrypted,
while the hard reality is all too real when it is hard
and then not to be tolerated or accepted.
Basically I consider all concrete reality beguiling,
like a trap that keeps you stuck in lies like in a snakepit,
while the virtual reality will always lead you on
forever changing, never staying on and always in expansion
and development for your own good and progress,
while the practical reality is just a necessary evil.

Poetry by Laila Roth
Read 895 times
Written on 2018-01-11 at 11:53

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I enjoyed your poem and the contrasts you bring forth. Well done.