Never fail yourself.

Your integrity

You are not obliged to tolerate restrictions.
No one has a right to denigrate or humble you,
you are entitled naturally to your freedom
without limitations with no end to your expansion,
and the only thing forbidden you is to give up.
Your integrity is your responsibility,
you have to cultivate, maintain and safeguard it yourself,
that is your personal and actual meaning of your life,
and if it is intruded on and violated,
you have the right to quit and exit
and to rather part with honour with your life
than choose to compromise and settle with dishonour.
Intervention means dishonourable subjugation
if you accept it, which you must not do,
since all you have is your sense of yourself,
and it is better to abandon life and leaving nothing
than to part with that for which your life was given.

Poetry by Laila Roth
Read 749 times
Written on 2017-05-30 at 09:53

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Maija Liepins
Oh wow! Yes.