Weather conditions

Never be afraid to look yourself into the mirror.
Your looks will not betray you,
no matter how haggard and worn out they are,
since they are only the condition of the outside
of the cottage, which must naturally be harrowed
by the storms of seas and climate and conditions
of the weather, which is never merciful
but trying sorely your potential indeed,
and it's up to you to weather it, survive,
remain yourself and never let yourself be broken.
Your daily mirror is just for inspection as an instrument
for necessary observation and orientation
and not more than a benign reminder
that you are still there, alive, alert and present.

Poetry by Laila Roth
Read 671 times
Written on 2017-06-19 at 20:56

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo Laila. That face that looks back from that mirror. Has volumes of of life wrote upon each line.