The living dead

You do not belong to them,
but they belong to you,
all those you loved and always missed,
who gave their love
and you could never do without,
which is why they will never leave you
but protect you and be with you always
to such an extent that you and they are one.
You are like them, eternal in your love,
more loving actually than when they were alive,
as you will be when you are gone,
more loving afterwards than when you were unknown
but for your physical appearance and trivialities,
while you and they belong to timelessness,
which will be your dimension more and more
the further you go on, insisting on your love
in spite of all the brutal deaths around you
and the wickedness of mundane man,
who always shattered and destroyed your life,
while you will all the same go on
and fool them all by carrying on your love
in company with all the living loving dead.

Poetry by Laila Roth
Read 840 times
Written on 2017-07-15 at 14:24

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo, Laila!
Love remains, lives on and on!