Fruitful tears

Is sorrow, then, the only thing that lasts,
that always keeps returning,
dressing you consistently in mourning
in the warmest but the dreariest clothes,
all black, engulfing you in darkness
in the everlasting tears
that keep supporting, nourishing,
enriching and sustaining mother earth,
all life, the oceans by the crying rains,
which we could never do without
and always need, no matter how
uncomfortably sorrowful they are.
Yes, sorrow always will be there,
but not for dragging you down to depression,
not for your suppression or oppression
but for watering your lilies and your garden,
cultivating your development and sensitivity
and challenging you to expansion by self knowledge,
forcing you to face the truth and beauty
always found in all reality
despite the fact that it will always make you suffer.

Poetry by Laila Roth
Read 825 times
Written on 2017-07-16 at 22:15

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Maija Liepins
Feeling this deeply. One to come back to.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo, Laila!
when the sun and moon both do shine any light. We rech out to feill our way, we find a hand, reching out, our gateis steded, we find a reeson to smile, knoing some one, is siling bak to us, then, on we go, much reasurde!