The Dead never rest

To think that you can just forget them
or ignore them is a self-deceit and a delusion,
since you never will get rid of them,
they never rest but will go on forever
just like you when you are dead,
remaining a reminder for all life
and all who knew them, that they know you
and will never stop persisiting in their earnestness
insisting on their life, which is why you had better
pay attention to them and accept them
with your piety, devotion, honouring and sanctifying them
for what they were and are and always will be
for their life, their personalities and their life's work,
the greatest and most prominent result of which
is that their memory will never and can never fade.

Poetry by Laila Roth
Read 891 times
Written on 2017-07-22 at 22:13

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Laila Roth
Interesting comment, Lawrence. I think, though, the spirit world is more or less constant, since few spirits are "born".

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
This is an interesting thought. If the dead do not truly die, the spirit world will become ever more crowded, and the dead will begin to scream for genuine death.

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
For some the memories do fade. Doesn't it depend on their impact on your life, whether it's love or hate, or something in between?

I hope for oblivion. I cannot abide the thought of living forever, never resting.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo, Laila.