
My life has been a constant fight against adversity,
which always loomed and towered higher,
harder and more merciless and threatening
for every victory I gained, however small,
while the adversities were always overwhelming.
I could never be afraid of darkness, death or any demon,
while what always struck me down was cruel injustice,
which was always stupidly unreasonable and inhuman.
Trample me and strike me down,
humiliate, maltreat and violate me at your pleasure,
robbing me of all that I could call my own,
but you will never beat me,
since the most humiliated ones
will always be the surest to come back.

Poetry by Laila Roth
Read 826 times
Written on 2017-07-23 at 19:31

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo! Laila