No excuse for love

That I love you, I can not deny,
but I'm afraid my love's too great for me
assuming some demonic overbearingness
out of proportion with reality,
transcending into alien dimensions
which can never be acceptable to mortals.
It's not darkness but a kind of power,
it's not evil or possessive
but the more satanic in its nature
of obsessiveness and irrevocability,
like you can never spite your destiny
but only follow it wherever it will lead you.
There is no excuse for it, but still I ask you to excuse me
for persisting in this permanence of faithfulness
in sticking to this most impossible
absurd extreme and indefinable
outrageously insistent undeniability of love.

Poetry by Laila Roth
Read 796 times
Written on 2017-07-27 at 11:43

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo, Laila, such is love!