the "stewart place"



the lot's full of pokeweed

the corral's

more rust than iron


the pasture's gone to johnson grass

the creek

took out the gap   again


the mrs's blood sugar's high

yours truly's

all but deef   the dog died last april   the pastor's taken up


with jelly johnson's wife   calf prices

are in the cellar 

the bull went through the neighbor's fence   again


all in all   things are as expected   not good   not bad

just about as expected

Poetry by jim The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 168 times
Written on 2017-09-14 at 16:19

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Kathy Lockhart
Life is just soonering along. yep.
I can relate to the bull thang for sure. Helped a time or two with that one.

I love the voice of this poem!

Liked poem. Life often is blah. Good read.

There's a lot of life in life, loving the Stewart Place pic. The bull went through the neighbours fence again, took me back to my childhood.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo, Jim, ain't at times a boogratian - at times!

lol ... are you sure you don't live in Panama?
It is just as it should be. :)