


i should have written this a long time ago

when i still felt the heat

and the sounds rang fresh in my ears


i let it get away from me   but you know it

as well as i   the sights and sounds of a county fair

i could never explain it so well


what sticks is the dust in the air   the colors

of what's yet to come   sweet perfume

and temptation   country music   loud and raw   


the stamp of heels on a dance floor   i should have written this

when it was fresh   when it all lay ahead of us

when sensations still meant something   when we were quick


to shed what we had for what was coming   i waited too long

now it's gone   all but the dust   that somehow lingers





Poetry by jim The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 195 times
Written on 2017-09-15 at 14:55

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Kathy Lockhart
Dang! You sure know how to create life on a page. Dust gets into everything and can change a thing with time. We leave our imprints in dust. Dust can chokes us. But you write with dust. I even heard Hank Williams singing, saw cloggers clogging, and wiped the dirt necklace from my childhood while I read this. Dust, a little word with big possibilities in your hands. Thanks. :)

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. At least you have written of it and experienced it, I hear those stamp of those heels on the dance floor.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
This is great, Jim. Sometimes, it takes a while for the clarity to come. It does at the cost of immediacy.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo, when summers all but gone, a chill in the air, leaves changing coul, fulling from the trees, a remiinder, that winters not far away, memorys, of summers past worm us, gives us reasons to smile.

Yes an excellent write and you made it just as fresh as when you had first been there.

Bibek The PoetBay support member heart!
This is beautiful. Dust, here in Kathmandu, means something else. It means pollution and breathing problems.