Educational hubris

Give me any student,
and I will inspire him to diligence,
success, accomplishment and zest.
Give me any teenage monster
of outrageous rudeness and bad manners,
filthy style and all round shabbiness,
and I will see to it that he becomes a decent person.
Give me any criminal and hopeless case,
a terrorist or jihadist or anarchist or Nazi,
and I will not turn him down,
but anyone can easily be made a civilized
and cultivated decent human being.
Give me all humanity and all the world to educate,
and I will take them on and make them progress
and survive as culture and civilization;
for I know for certain that there isn't anything impossible
for possibilities of education.

Poetry by Laila Roth
Read 723 times
Written on 2017-10-15 at 20:10

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