Mr. Chat
Mr. Chat
Through my window I sow a head
His face was flat and wide and red
He had tow wings just like a bat
And said my name is Mr.Chat
I used to wear my wings and mask
And meet people to teach and ask
If your answers are clear and wise
I will give you a shining prize
If a Devil meets you a at night
What shall you do, you flight or flight?
I said devil is just a name
And just a myth, what shall I blame?
What then if wind comes fast and high
And take your hat at once to sky?
I have nothing to do or try
Perhaps some tears will wet my eye
Then continue my way ahead
Come to my room and lie in bed
If you see it with a child?
I ask it back soft and mild
What if your hat falls in river?
No adventure, dislike shiver
If it fastens like leaves on tree?
Then I will try to get it free
If an old man looks and likes it?
It is so small and does not fit
If a poor man can't see by day?
He sees your hat approach and say
My son my eyes can't see in light
And now the sun so white and bright
Put your small hat on my big head
In my way home it makes me shade
Yes sir take it do as you want
Hat on my head want make me count
Are my answers so clear and nice?
That I can get your shiny prize?
Yens sir my son your answers are
They heal deep wounds and leave no scar
Your shiny prize so white and bright
Is shiny sun which end the night
Tahir Baban
Poetry by tahir baban
Read 592 times
Written on 2018-02-26 at 07:45