The paradox of writer Hunter Thompson

Scattered Angels-Roadtrip Fairytales

Projected skyward
explosive Hunter Thompson
rocks the firmament
as cannons aim
to scatter angels
in their path.
Ambivalent in life
and death, sustained
by roadtrip fairytales;
Now press releases
kiss his corpse
Acidic pages mark
his grave.

Hans Bump

Poetry by Hans Bump
Read 1138 times
Written on 2005-05-30 at 10:02

Tags Reckless  Writer  Celebrity 

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Nancy Sikora
In my next life, I'm going to hang with Hunter Thompson and live the roadtrip fairytales.

What a great tribute to A real hunter and gatherer of facts in every depiction.

I adored these lines

where cannons aim
to scatter angels
in their path

A man after her own rebellious heart!

Smiling at you


chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
life and death, we have to toys to decide.