Forever and Infinite

The water flows on and on,
And the supply is infinite,
I wish time was like that,
But I'm counting my days,
I feel inside anger and sorrow,
I feel deniem and cotton on my flesh,
And it is getting late,
But I don't care about it,
What is there to live for?
To see the sun heat the world?
To see the moon's glare?
I remember when I loved the night,
Because I had time to spend time with my dad,
But he is gone now for so long,
And for once I wish I had my mother here,
But she is probably slutting around,
And that makes me sad for the first time ever,
And my uncle is gone forever..forever
And I might as well be...

Poetry by Justin
Read 497 times
Written on 2006-05-27 at 06:48

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Kathy Lockhart
You have just expressed your heart so openly. How sad this poem is. But, you have a life worth living. What would happen if you were not here to show the world your point of view or to share your talents. Your losses are terrible, but you can take them and gain from them. Grow, expand, influence, change the world. Never give up, stay in the game, it is worth the challenge. You are special never forget that. You are more than your circumstances. :) kathy