I am still working on this, bear with me please.


A while back now Nancy paid me the best of compliment
Nancy said to me on line
That when reading my works she is reminded of Walt Whitman
Now at the time to be honest I'd not heard of Walt Whitman
And I were not ready to read Walt's works
Well I were ready to read Walt's work!
Now I carry his works his total poetry works books of Walt's prose
I have a sense of finding a NEW WRITER!
So fresh are Walt's works to me never dates always topical easy to compare to Today's events - while I read his prose SPECIMEN DAYS IN AMERICA -
A Book In The Camelot Series Of Books
Walt wrote of his experiences - not least his time well spent in the military hospitals
During the American Civil war - Walt saw the ongoing of terrible war
Saw at first hand the wars horrors - amputated limbs - in buckets
Rouge rude carts full to overflowing of legs feet arms hands leaving a trails of blood
Wheels squeaking as they were being pulled and pushed along and out of the operating rooms of suffering
Walt all to aware of the aftermath of the battles of the American Civil War
That were not so civil

Buckets full to over flowing with rags blood socket that once were bandages
Even before I'd read a single work I jumped to Walt's defense when a feminist only
Were concerned about Walt's sexuality to me proved her lack of knowledge
To lack understanding of Walt the man a great humanitarian a great man for all of That

The men and more than a few more boys then they were boys
Men before their time
Walt would walk the wards a gunny sack over his shoulder full of gifts tobacco candy
In his other hand he cared a hurricane lamp dimmed
Soon the wounded - sickened by disease - many dying
Old Walt with scraggly unkempt beard looking older than his years
Reminded the solders of Father Christmas - and greeted Walter as such
Calling '' Hear comes Father Christmas, boys! ''
Walt smiled at that
To each no mate the rank be they be a druma boy or a colonel a rebel or a union man each got the same gifts the same equal care from Walt

Nancy in compering me to Walt at the time I had no knowledge of Walt Whitman
At all - now I am ready to to know the man through his words
I am discovering not just who what was IS Walt Whitman!

I did not hesitate to follow my writers instinct and jump to what I thought of Walt
In now reading Walt works poetry and prose I KNOW that I were totally correct!
That both Nancy and Walt would have approved of what I did.
Thank you Nancy for letting me know of Walt Whitman, who's has became my writing Friend
From what so far I have read works by Walt I hope Walt you found experienced true love

Ken D Williams

The Dyslexic Wordsmith Of Thanet

Poetry by ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 484 times
Written on 2019-11-27 at 13:09

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