i placed a jar in tennessee,

and round it was, upon a hill.


—wallace stevens

i know a hill


i know a hill, gray-rocked and wooded,

i know the tone of it, contrived by her ladyship


to interrupt cadences, turn a sure step

into a slick stumble, a jar to the bones,


knocking the ego into the ravine below—

the creek-bedded, buck-brushed, vipered,


possum-hollowed wilderness, where 

unseen eyes behind trees and overhead


cast spells o'er the disorienting 'scape,

turning west to north, south to east, 


realigning itself to suit itself—its lichened self,

its crusted self, its eons of self. i am its witness


and victim. i am its addict, a woodland junkie,

a vibram-soled, uncompassed, stumbler of hills. 




Poetry by jim The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 107 times
Written on 2020-01-20 at 04:45

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