

my friend is sensible

which is a good thing   as she has

telekinetic power


this morning she helped tidy up

from a distance

my work space   focusing   particularly   


on a pile of scattered books   i have never known her

to abuse her power

nor flaunt it   i guess she is used to it 


she won't use it frivolously   housework

she did as a favor

but when i asked her if she would help dispatching armadillos


she said she wasn't licensed for it   which was

her way of saying no   

which is fine   i was only kidding   


it is winter   there are no 'dillos to dispatch

at this time of year

but only half kidding   that was my mistake




in point of fact   she was horrified

to think

that she was asked 


to use her power for such a solution

a final solution

horrified   no   disappointed


that i asked that of her   she related

a summary

of energy used for power-plays


from dynamite to nuclear   implying   as well 

the power

one being has over another


i went to bed chagrined and apologetic


in my own callous   la-ti-da   request for dispatching





Poetry by jim The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 174 times
Written on 2020-01-30 at 00:53

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MetaPoetics The PoetBay support member heart!
I remember reading the first draft of the poem. It was quite funny, but the revision as well as the addition of another poem has given the poem a greater depth. I like the whimsical sense of humor conveyed through storytelling.