stormy heart

Sideways rain cascades down

onto the storm tossed sandy shore,

on the beach he’s the only one around

others took shelter in the clubhouse hall

but there is no shelter for the heartbroken!


Through the storm he walks; alone

his heart shattered and missing a home,

he wishes he did not need her

On his clothes is still her smell

it tortures him like being in the hot chains of hell.


To his knees he collapses onto the sand

a lone crab scurries over his hand

he wishes he was still her man

why she cheated he doesn’t understand.


For the heartbroken time doesn’t wait

slowly the summer storm starts to abate

he wishes her he could hate

but; to him, she was his soulmate.


Love carries on through the scars

One can find a way to heal,

if one has the patience to.

Poetry by liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 745 times
Written on 2020-02-15 at 04:13

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Some vivid imagery!

Sometimes love is a battlefield,scars healed by time.
Just keep going.

Liam The PoetBay support member heart!
Such is the way of life and love :(

Thanks for sharing this text with us.