A mothers song.

A mothers song,
An outstretched hand,
A loving caress,
Touches a heart.
Written by Louise Oaktree.
Picture by Jo Thompson.
Budding in a garden,
With flowers.
Sleeping in a bed,
Of feathers.
Living in a sea,
Of water,
Flying in a sky,
Of clouds so white.
That is where,
I find you,
In the land,
Of my dreams.
There I see you,
Shining light.
And softly,
I sing the song,
Of your loving breath.
That my body,
That my face,
Before I was,
You were there.
And your body,
Embraced me.
My mom,
In a soft rhythm,
I know you.
Just before,
I close my eyes,
I whisper,
Good night,
See you tomorrow.
And deep inside,
I hear your melody.
Be blessed with the love of heart,
And may your path be filled with the light,
Of the soul and spirit.
@Breath of a soul. (Engels)

Poetry by Louise 55
Read 553 times
Written on 2020-05-10 at 11:41

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jim The PoetBay support member heart!
Sweet song.