Morning sword drill in front of a mirror maintains reflexes and muscle memory. The Moulinello is a flourish with a blade the looks like a windmill (moulin) spinning. 




Gauntlets and boots 

Satin shine of well

Kept age and care

Complete the attire


Maroon doublet fitted

But worn and repaired 

More than is fashion

Doeskin breeches grey


The cloak fine heavy

Linen  a defensive 

Tool  over the baldric 

Suspending the rapier


Damascus steel  alive

In shimmering waves

Hilted intricately in

Bronze counterbalance


Before the mirror the day 

Begins in quiet pose

The stance the blade

In easy but alert rest


Blade drawn  the salute

Engarde  parry one

Return and cut three

Return and parry four


Lunge recover parry

Return the blade a whir

The stance in constant

Balance moving


The Moulinello flourish

 completes the drill

A feral smile shows

A killing grace.

Poetry by josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 403 times
Written on 2021-03-07 at 13:39

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Yes a very descriptive work well written. So well put over, josephus. Well done in deed.
Ken D

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Again, you've given us a master class in descriptive writing. This is more than vivid, it has motion, it is cinematic. Terrific.