A friend twenty years my senior. I have the precious luck to know him well and travel with him to Europe to visit Ekeren, a Belgian city, liberated by our regiment, The Essex Scottish, October 09 1944. Roy was there then and again in 2019.


Sergeant Roy Hare



He shuffled a bit

A big man wide at the shoulders

Sparse hair silver in disarray 

Wearing “Blues and Greys”

Over a white shirt and

Regimental tie


On his blazer rank upon rank

Of medals from multiple

Countries  culminating with

France’s Legion D’Honour

He liked to chuckle at a joke

And drink a quiet beer

Reticent about himself


I called him friend but

Was in constant awe of 

A warrior who put to shame 

Those who boast of

Battles won

He was silent of events 

That warranted the brace of

Decorations he wore

With a quiet pride.


He died today

His time and body

Simply ran out

After ninety six years


He passed today from

Living hero to eternal life

A Forever Warrior

From a Magnificent Generation

A beacon to us all who follow

Poetry by josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 460 times
Written on 2021-03-31 at 00:01

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A fitting tribute. Memory eternal!

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
GNU Sergeant Roy Hare.
Ken D