I've lived here and felt its power. And once you have, it will capture you forever 

Tropic of Cancer




Titanium white against the blazing blue

Afternoon cumulonimbus roil in orgasm

Over an endless expanse of cerulean slashed

With sea foam spindrift and diamond spray


A ship wearing hard for harbour strains

Its rig in boisterous jolts foaming through

Crests and troughs red sails stretch to 

Boiling billows while bar taught rigging


Hums a mezzo soprano song of deep

Resonant chords as decks awash with

Meringue foam cleanse holystoned planks

Long doldrums dry swelling in restful joy

Poetry by josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 351 times
Written on 2021-07-14 at 00:45

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jim The PoetBay support member heart!
Your words must bring the experience as close as possible to living the actual experience. It fills me with longing for adventure and new experiences.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Killer imagery, Joe.

Steven Riddle
I read this yesterday and was brought back to it again this morning and decided that I probably should comment—I love the surging forceful power that drives you through the poem. I especially appreciate the lack of punctuation that allows me to read it all in one breath, if I care to—and mentally I do, though I’m not sure I could sustain that feat physically. Bravo.

Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
I clicked on this thinking I would read some Henry Miller debauchery. But I got a wonderful seafaring piece. The descriptions are so visceral. I would love to get hold of some of that meringue foam. I have no sweets after my rather pedestrian lunch. :)

Michael R. Burch
Nice imagery and use of language, and you have an interesting way of imbuing your poems with energy. If I am reading the poem correctly it would be "its" with no apostrophe.

The language here is very rich: appropriately so! I enjoyed reading this poem; so thankful you're posting!