UnBreaking Home
I retrace my steps to the house of my childhoodHeal it with my sister, with our community
Clean it and release it of the home it held
For us
We lock it up
Put our hands on the door and pray with her
The home of our past
The home still living in our dreams and nightmares
I retrace my steps to the town of my childhood
I look into the warm, cheeky and deeply saddened eyes of the shadow left of my mum
Squeeze her warm, familiar and safe hand
Kiss her soft skinned cheek
Knowing this may be the last time those eyes look at me in recognition and love
Imprinting every touch, sight and sound to my mind
To where I can carry her lost self on her behalf
Knowing she is finally, finally safe and has a chance of peace again
I retraced my steps
Healed the first breakings
Skip over the things that shattered me
And return to the home of my present and future
His glinting and mischievious joy
Sweet and quiet warmth
I return as all the pieces rearrange and snap into place
No longer looking at the world around me
Through pieces of shattered and warped glass
I'm home
Written Dec 12, 2022
Poetry by SecretWords
Read 277 times
Editors' choice
Written on 2022-12-15 at 06:01
Tags Healing  Trauma  Alzheimers 
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