Hello all!! It has been a while.Wishing you Happy Holidays!



From my poetry book Flowers do speak ©.


Will I have a sweetheart in my heart
or will I be alone drinking in the dark.
Will I see my eyes in anothers eyes
or will my mirror say, just another bad day.

But, don't you worry, I'll be the sorry,
for my new year's story, has no Santa glory.

New year, my dear,
there is nothing new in my tear.
New year, my dear,
your days and nights my new fear.
So...new year, my dear,
have a happy new year.

Will I start to have my new ends
or will my habbits stay my old friends.
Will I feel my heart in anothers hug
or will I be again with my old bad luck.

Read 306 times
Written on 2022-12-17 at 17:02

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Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
Happy New Year, Aphrodite. I call such momentous times as the spotlight of festivals.

Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Happy holidays to you and your family my friend.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
It is wonderful, to be reading your poetry again, Afrodite.
Ken D.

Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Love reading your poetry.
funny how things work out,
I was wondering how you were.
When I reposted snow globe,
And up you popped.
Have a merry Christmas
My friend. Regards Alan.