I paint. It's a wonderful pastime but occasionally I will paint an image that is magically far beyond my typical ability.... The bloom above is a case in point....

Brush Strokes



The paint moves from brush to canvas

In laboured strokes with a hesitancy

Fraught from the initial wounding of

The  pristine white canvas necessary 

In order to with hope time and serendipity

Bring forth an object to my satisfaction 


The process moves from tension through

Caution to abandon as my self emerges 

In the nascent image slowly evolving

On the canvas on my brush and in my soul

Those cautious tentative bands of colour

become savage thrusts and fearless swipes


The blocking done the magic begins

The brush mixing subtle hues without

My conscious thought or action

More deft now well beyond my norm

A spirit has stolen my paints and brushes

It’s creation is now being formed


I am a spectator of myself no longer

In control but a mere automaton 

Whose movements are quite remote

From my initial understanding

The image becomes its brilliant self

In wonder I ask from where it came



Poetry by josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 265 times
star mini Editors' choice
Written on 2023-03-13 at 01:53

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watching the painting, I can figure out why, there is a fluidity and a play of shadows that give its volume I guess...

MIRZA AHMER BEG The PoetBay support member heart!
that"s very close how it appears in the mind of an artist when he or she is trying to get that image on canvas although seemingly difficult to get there yet magic happens!

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Congratulations! Your poem has been chosen to be featured on our home page by a fellow member of PoetBay. Thank you for posting on our poetry website!

How nice is this one. Great. I paint and draw and know 100% what you portray here. You smashed it.

D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Joe, I celebrate, both your poem, and your exquisite painting