A most enlightening way to spend a day. Meeting those who've lost it all But have retained their dignity. 

Lost Trade and Quiet Dignity



Bulbous nose red and weathered

Grey hair in massed disarray 

We sit on the ledge in the noonday sun

And speak of wallpaper knives and such


He’s waiting for lunch from Styrofoam

The menu varies as the supplies allow

Street kitchen promises a noonday meal

Content and quantity based on gleaning


He had a job a proper trade 

wallpaper hanger as he allowed 

Used this here knife I’d just handed him 

By the one inch size mine was half


The bag was a shelter kit of tarp and items

Needed to construct a rainproof tent

Twine duct tape zip ties and such

With a pepperoni and bandages to round it out


With offhanded dignity he accepted my gift

And as we both sat staring at middle distance

He said thanks bro this is nice of you 

I said stay safe my friend and ambled off

Poetry by josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 151 times
Written on 2023-04-13 at 20:31

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Such kind generosity. And to think the police are actively trying to prevent the homeless receiving help around the World! As your brilliant poem illustrates, to be down and out, to be homeless, does not signify that you have never been a 'regular' person. More and more 'regular' people are falling due to the opportunistic global price hiking! Blessings, Allen

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
A fine vignette.