Temptation of the greener lawn

The forbidden is often what intrigues us the most
Even though you already have a lawn
the grass always seems greener on the other side
It's curiosity that takes us there

You might just let your eyes wander
Let your eyes feast off of all the beauty
drown in the ocean of desire
Where the waves are sky high

Just one touch can trigger a series of feelings
Just one smile can lit your world
Just one kiss can blow your mind away
Just one step too far will make your world crash down

Right in front of your feet
Lies the result of you foolishness
A broken marriage, a torn apart home
Broken hearts all over
Just for that grass that seemed so green

There might even be eyes on the lawn you already had
Evil circle turning like a wheel
Things aren't always as they seem

Don't climb fences

Words by Natalie
Read 918 times
Written on 2006-06-28 at 23:57

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The forbidden is often what intrigues us the most
Even though you already have a lawn
the grass always seems greener on the other side
It's curiosity that takes us there'

Isn't this true, what a great way to start the poem, very good write, makes me think a lot!

I agree with peter.
The line "don't climb fences" ruuule! ^^

real nice honey =) love the last line, "Don't climb fences" and you know what I love you!!! =D
