Just a thought! 🤔

"I was thinking about how I came to be who I am. And then that thought led me to consider why I am. And now I am stuck in that thought, and it's lingered inside me for a while, making me realize that I had a thought. What is a thought?

It's got me thinking. A thought itself, and why I would engage in such introspection. Why do people have the chance to pursue such a thing? No, scratch that—it seems more like a need. No, let's change that—it's an unavoidable involuntary deed. It happens all on its own; we do it without thinking. What a paradoxical way to exist. It takes no thought to have a thought, and so a thought is born. Why are we built this way? What's it for? Is it proof of nothing, or proof of something more? Thinking is just something that we do, yet it's completely out of our hands to choose. But I think, and because I think, I am. But if the thought is automatic, not in need of my hand, am I really who I think I am, or is that why people say 'get to know yourself'?

We all should take time to get to know ourselves. Our thoughts are a dialogue, but I'm never sure who is truly speaking. Am I part of the discussion, or just observing the conversation? Sometimes it sounds like me, but now I'm not sure if the voice I expect to be mine was ever truly mine because I just had a thought and then spoke it. But I didn't know what I was going to say before it was spoken. Once I had the thought in my head, I was sure that's how I felt, no doubt about it. I never created the thought; it just came to me, or maybe it always existed, or maybe things can just be conjured up out of nothing and nowhere into existence. I'm not sure science supports that, but I'm not a scientist, so I guess I'll have to ignore that until I can speak with someone wiser who might have already explored that.

And now it's what I am, the thought, then the words, and the words just pushed through me, and I spoke them. Now it's how you'll see me; it's who I am in my wider community, and this will determine who I'll be in the future. I'll know it's something I heard in my head, but was that thought really my own? Did it truly start in my mind to begin with? Or am I just a part of something greater, just a cog in a machine to fulfill a certain function, to then be overused and gone? Who am I if I don't know the origin of my thought? I thought, and now I'm sitting here hoping I don't remain lost in this sinister spiral of... 💭❤️"

Poetry by Sipora
Read 92 times
Written on 2024-05-11 at 18:35

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alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
the question why is for me a wall, or better my back,

thoughts are made of words, you didn't invent the words, so you think through a process of knowledge, you don't talk with your very own language that only yourself would understand, so to speak, I concluded that thoughts are avorted dialogue with someone else

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
To think
We are as
All of us Are
Ken D.

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
I've seen many attempts at portraying mental processes with words, this one makes me feel like it is an analysis of those random thoughts that occur sometimes when One is meditating. Of course in meditation One lets them go without analysis, but if it were not the case then I feel it would be as your fine words describe. Blessings, Allen