nothingness and some more...

either nothingness does not exist and then there is nothing to say about it or it is so complex that we cannot say anything about it!
whether nothingness exists and we can talk about it
or it makes no sense and we don't talk about it

What would you put first to be eligible ? An autocrat in a totalitarian country or a convicted president in a democratic country

Consent: when it’s not yes, it’s no...and not...maybe or perhaps!

Poetry by alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 97 times
Written on 2024-06-03 at 13:32

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j'aime bien les réflexions de a) ... oh, je n'arrive pas à répondre pour b), un ou l'autre est désastreux, à mon avis... et pour c), exact! Non, c'est non, that's it.