Hello, fellow pilgrims!

I'm glad to be back after a domestic sabbatical - helping to look after an adopted toddler, Lily-Rose. I hope you like this new 'visiting card'.


Free verse haiku

The Pike peeps out from the
melancholy mist,
reminds me of a famous
view of Mount Fuji;
I'll keep the Japanese
theme by folding your
last postcard
into a sad clown's hat,
worn by the one
who looks like a
white-faced geisha.

Chris Fernie

Poetry by Christopher Fernie The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 44 times
Written on 2024-09-12 at 16:57

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Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
Chris! So great to see you. I'm enjoying this poem immensely. Its vividness, its detail. Peace and light. Tommo