Dreams make no sense

I woke up feeling fuzzy,
My head a kaleidoscope.
I blink me into existence,
Memories of sleep elope.

My fingers feel prosthetic,
Yet echoes of dreams remain—
A self that surges ahead,
While I in stillness wane.

Ambitions drive him onward,
Like a horse yoked to fate’s cart,
On reality's thunder whip,
Away from dreams I dart

We chase hope happily,
Smiling through thorns,
Bleeding till we fade,
Of peace we are shorn

Again and again, he falters,
For a flicker of fleeting light.
Is it not greed disguised,
As dreams we claim to fight?

The things you love,
Are those that rip heart,
But if there was no drive,
Life wouldn't be art

Dreams make no sense,
But we still chase behind,
For being steady and still,
Is akin to a dead mind

With pretense of peace,
I have fooled me to death,
My dreams are stolen,
I have committed theft

Poetry by Dhruv
Read 24 times
Written on 2024-09-25 at 04:27

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